Tuesday, January 22, 2008

the new black is dead.

let's talk about black, baby, let's talk about you and me.

there are many, many ways to wear black. for instance, black is often a popular choice when doing drugs with the eighties hair metal crowd:

black is also a great pick for a fun night out with the girls...

...or while relaxing in the desert with your incredibly hot significant other. 

yeah, we get it. black rocks. so what's with the constant reminders from the fashion industry about the *new* black? what's with the never-ending insistence that this year's black is not, in fact, black, but - say - pink? pink is NOT the new black, and never will be. try wearing a pink to a funeral and see how the mourners react. [while you're at it, make sure you show enough thigh. why do anything halfway?]

let black be black, i beg of you! black has been self-sufficient for centuries, and it's glamorous and smooth enough to last until the apocalypse. tell the mortals of the fashion industry to stop trying to spice up black. black is suave. black is complete. there is no new black. the new black is dead. 

[emilio pucci would agree.]



ps: for a handy list of colors that are NOT the 'new black,' visit

1 comment:

STITCH said...

hahaha tori you blow up my blogosphere.

also, I think it was my love Rei Kawakubo who said "Red is the new black," but she wasn't being SERIOUS. she was being her ususal, anti-fashion self. the self I love.

- C

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