Monday, February 4, 2008

what not to wear: uggs...?!

I feel as though I should preface my feelings about Uggs with this simple fact: I own not one, but two pairs of Uggs. I have had the black pair since my senior year of high school, when, after getting accepted to Northwestern in December, my mother forced me to buy a pair of Uggs. How can one be "forced" into buying Uggs? I was given $200 as an early Christmas gift and the statement, "I want you to buy a pair of Uggs for college, and I will be checking the tag when you return." My mother, I must add, LOVES Uggs. Apparently, she remembers Cher having a pair.

Regardless of her affection for them, I quickly decided that she had made the right call. My Uggs are warm, comfortable, and durable. But they are not, in any way, fashionable. I can't take myself seriously when I wear them. I reconcile this awareness with the knowledge that I am in college, and that sometimes pragmatism is more important than fashion. For me, the problem comes when we try too hard to make Uggs fashionable. This summer, my roommate had some close encounters with the "Uggs chic" look at the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale.
Here's the Wahine boot, an embroidered suede creation.

The Wilshire Signature. We didn't see this one, but I had to include it from the website.

Paisley Uggs. Really people? I couldn't find them on the website, but a quick Google search landed me here, if you are so inclined as to purchase a pair for yourself.

Finally, the true inspiration for this post: metallic Uggs. That's something I never thought I would have to type, much less see.

The Classic Tall, now available in metallic.

Oh Uggs. I can't live with you, and I certainly can't live without you...

Stay warm, Northwestern!
-- Justice

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