Monday, February 11, 2008

dresses I'm desiring: cold Mondays edition.

Did anyone else think this miserable weather was behind us? I always get so hopeful that more mild weather is on the way, making the inevitable chill all the worse. To further punish myself, I procrastinate by looking at cute spring clothes. Here's a small section of the dresses with which I'm head-over-heels in love.

The "Angelette Dress Organza" from Lilly Pulitzer. It's ridiculously expensive, but hey, this is a wish list. I really like the fitted bodice/flowy skirt combination in dresses, and the bow at the side is a nice little detail. You can pair it with white for a more conservative look (cardigan and pearls, anyone?) or brighter accessories for some real pop!
Great for: Mother's Day brunch, a family reunion, the country club (if you're into that sort of thing)
The "Spin Art Dress" from C. Keer, available at Anthropologie. I love the pattern, colors, and cut of this dress. Anthropologie usually has amazing sales - probably just in time for Chicago weather to catch up!
Great for: Hanging out in the city, date night
The "Fine Jersey Leisure Dress" from American Apparel. I've returned to my preppy roots, so I'm starting to appreciate collars more. Plus American Apparel makes really great staple pieces, and I love how comfortable the cotton items are (this is 100% cotton).
Great for: Anything leisurely - of course!
The "Hazy Shade of Winter Sweater Dress" by Lux, available at Urban Outfitters. Because a good sweater tunic dress is crucial.
Great for: Chillier spring days, evening outings
The "Relaxed Stretch Shift Dress" from Ann Taylor. I think you should always have a dress with little bit of polish and class for "real world" occasions. This is cute and shapely enough for a younger woman, but still conservative enough to be taken seriously.
Good for: Interviews, "serious" jobs and internships

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