Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A New Kind of Fugly

The trend on campus? Looking fugly. Fashionably ugly, that is.

The best example of this seems to be the growing tendency to wear those grotesque, hideous sweaters that were hand-knit by some slightly off-kilter relative. Granted, wearing these sweaters in jest has always been somewhat popular, but never has it been such a veritable trend. The best are the sweaters with a vomit-inducing melange of colors or the sweaters with large characters on the front.

The only limit to the acceptable ugliness of a sweater is the wearer's ability to pull off the right attitude. As long as one can muster a hipper-than-thou swagger while walking around in a sweater with a giant Minnie Mouse and tassels on it, the look is sheer fugliness. However, the second the ensemble starts to look like that of a kindergartener who picked out his own clothes for the first time after drinking a Mountain Dew, well then that is just plain ugly.

To look fugly, you've got to back it up with a healthy dose of blase and manage to not look crazy. So boys and girls, this year for Christmas ask your grandmother to knit you a sweater instead of buying one from J. Crew for 89.50 or at least pillage the local thrift store for viable fugly options. Either way, it'll give you more cash in your pocket and more swagger in your step.

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